Friday, June 12, 2009
Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Lambung
antara lain kelainan fungsi otot kerongkongan, gangguan fungsi lambung, faktor genetik dan bisa juga karena asma. Semua ini menyebabkan asam yang diproduksi lambung naik sehingga menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan organ di atas lambung.
Gejala yang paling umum adalah heartburn (sensasi panas dan nyeri pada perut bagian atas, dada, dan tenggorokan) rasa sakit pada lambung bisa juga akibat tukak yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri Helicobacter Pylori (H.Pylori) tetapi bisa juga disebabkan oleh penggunaan jangka panjang obat-obatan tertentu seperti aspirin.
Tukak adalah kerusakan pada lapisan dalam dinding lambung atau usus dua belas jari yang disebabkan oleh asam lambung, usus atau cairan lain yang dihasilkan oleh proses pencernaan.
Gejala tukak lambung yang secara kelompok disebut dengan dyspepsia adalah rasa sakit atau tak nyaman pada lambung, rasa kembung, perut terasa penuh atau malah kosong, mual ringan dan kebiasaan bersendawa. Beruntung bagi Anda yang menjalani pola makan kaya serat, karena risiko tukak lambung bisa turun hingga separuhnya. Serat juga dapat mempercepat penyembuhan, dan serat yang bersumber dari buah dan sayur adalah yang paling manjur.
Dan apel cukup ampuh untuk meringankan tukak selain itu Makanan yang kaya flavonoid seperti seledri, bawang Bombay dan teh hijau atau hitam juga dapat menghambat pertumbuhan H.pylori. begitu pula zat yang terkandung pada brokoli yaitu sulforaphrane bisa mematikan H.pylori. sebaliknya mengonsumsi kopi lebih dari tiga cangkir sehari dapat meningkatkan kerentanan Anda terhadap H.pylori
Orang-orang yang sering menderita heartburn sebagai gejala GERD disarankan untuk mencoba mengubah gaya hidup dan pola makan terlebih dahulu sebelum mencari pengobatan medis. Beberapa saran yang patut dicoba adalah:
1. Mengurangi atau menghindari konsumsi makanan dan minuman yang mengandung kafein, coklat, juga mint. Bahkan kopi yang tidak mengandung kafein (decaf) pun dapat meningkatkan produksi asam lambung.
2. Menghindari minuman bersoda.
3. Menerapkan diet yang kaya akan buah dan sayur, tetapi hindari buah dan sayur yang sifatnya asam seperti jeruk, lemon, jeruk bali dan nanas.
4. Menjaga kondisi pencernaan yang sehat dengan menghindari lemak jenuh dan asupan lemak berlebihan, terutama jika memiliki kelebihan berat badan. Sebab obesitas juga meningkatkan risiko GERD.
5. Setelah makan berjalan-jalanlah sebentar. Atau paling tidak tetap duduk atau berdiri tegak. Jangan berbaring atau melakukan gerakan membungkuk.
6. Hindari makan sebelum tidur. Pastikan waktu terakhir anda mengonsumsi makanan adalah dua jam sebelum tidur.
7. Sebaiknya posisikan tubuh miring ke kiri ketika tidur. Posisi lambung menjadi lebih tinggi dari kerongkongan, jika miring ke kanan.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
car insurance in austin
Drivers in Austin, Texas have a fantastic resource at their fingertips. Every driver has to face the process of purchasing car insurance at some point. Trying to find a company that not only offers cheap car insurance in Austin, Texas but is also reputable can seem difficult. The Texas Department of Insurance makes available information on every car insurance company that is licensed in the state. This gives the consumer a whole host of useful information that will aid them when it comes to picking which company they ultimately want to deal with.
Knowledge really is the key when it comes to purchasing cheap car insurance in Austin, Texas. Although many insurance companies are competing to get the business of each and every driver on the road in the Lone Star State, not every company can offer the same coverage at a reasonable price. The best way to find the right insurance company for you is to contact a few companies that seem reputable and ask for a quote.
When anyone calls for a quote in search of cheap car insurance they need to be prepared to supply certain specifics. One is their age, as well as the type of vehicle they are driving. In addition, some insurance companies will ask for the individual's own thoughts on their driving record. Not being honest in regards to this will only cause the quote to be way off balance. After all, a quote is simply that, an estimate about future costs. Any driving record problems will show up before the policy is underwritten anyway, so it's best to be upfront.
Also mention anything that you feel will be beneficial to securing a cheaper car insurance rate. If you have never been in an accident, tell the agent that. Also, if you tend to take public transportation to and from work to save money and the environment, a prospective agent will need to know because it could lower your expected premiums. Although you may have to negotiate a bit to find cheap car insurance in Austin, Texas, it certainly can be done.
Recommended sites for low rate insurance
Free Car Insurance Quotes in Austin, Texas
Combined Home and Auto Insurance Quotes
Article Source:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Surviving Mesothelioma: Speak With Survivor Paul Kraus
Paul Kraus delivered another inspiring presentation on how he healed his mesothelioma. Every two months, Paul Kraus describes his experience with mesothelioma and answers questions from newly diagnosed mesothelioma patients. If you are a mesothelioma patient or a loved one of a mesothelioma patient and wish to attend a free teleconference with mesothelioma survivor Paul Kraus, the schedule is available at: or call 619-261-7922 to register.
In 1997, Paul Kraus was diagnosed with mesothelioma. The cancer was so widespread that doctors told him there was little hope and he should go home and get his affairs in order. Rather than giving up, Paul created his own path to healing. Today, over nine years later, he continues to enjoy a good quality of life.
Paul wrote an acclaimed book about his diagnosis and healing called: "Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers – A Patient's Guide." This book is available on and is the best-selling mesothelioma book in the world. Wanting to inspire more patients, Paul took the unusual step of hosting free bi-monthly teleconferences so that newly diagnosed mesothelioma patients would be able to speak directly to him.
During the most recent conference on August 22nd, Paul described the steps he took to heal his mesothelioma and answered questions from patients and their loved ones. Topics included: new chemotherapy drugs, holistic approaches, vitamins and other supplements, new clinical trials, anti-angiogenesis therapies, mind-body medicine, doctor-patient relationships, and more. While Paul is quick to point out that he is not a doctor and he does not provide medical advice, he inspires patients with his own story of success and survival.
At the end of the teleconference, participants thanked Paul for his words of hope and inspiration and for setting the example that mesothelioma does not have to mean a death sentence.
If you are a mesothelioma patient or a loved one of a mesothelioma patient and wish to attend a free teleconference with mesothelioma survivor Paul Kraus, the schedule is available at: or call 619-261-7922 to register.